05 Nov


One Hundred Hearts Interview with Lynn Ware Peek & Tim Henney / October 21, 2015

Listen to the interview here:   http://kpcw.org/post/mountain-life-october-21-2015

Today on the program, a conversation with local author Terry Sidfor who’ s written a book called One Hundred Hearts. It contains the results of  100 surveys completed by one hundred women. What do you do in the face of adversity?  How do you define courage? What was your defining moment that made you who you are today? These are some of the questions that were posed in the book.

In the second segment, Lynn Ware Peak and Tim Henney speak with Matt Lindon.  He’s a hydrological engineer who lives and breathes water. He joined us in the studio to talk anything from heavy metals to the water economy to the tipping points to the point of no return.Follow us Facebooktwitterlinkedinrssyoutube
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